De Australische metalcore band In Hearts Wake is terug met een gloednieuwe track genaamd “W2HA”, wat staat voor “Welcome To Hell A”. Frontman Jake Taylor legt het verder uit:
W2HA (Welcome to Hell A) was written during my time living in Los Angeles. I’d never experienced such a disturbing divide between wealth and poverty. I would often ride my bike through Venice Beach. There were the most insane Hollywood mansions and then one block away there would be tent villages full of desperation, crime and suffering. The separation was confusing, and the dog-eat-dog hustle mentality didn’t feel right. LA was a fragile man-made oasis built on a volatile desert. I experienced a 7.1 magnitude Earthquake and then weeks later Malibu went up in flames, raining ash all over the city. For me it was like living in some sort of concrete Hell.
Jake Taylor – In Hearts Wake (Zang)