Caliban Kort Europese Tour In, Annuleert Show In België

Geschreven door Stefan

De Duitse metalcore band Caliban heeft hun Europese “Dystopia” Tour ingekort van 13 naar 6 shows, waardoor er enkel nog shows in Duitsland overblijven. De show die gepland stond op 4 december in de Muziekodroom in Hasselt, België komt hiermee te vervallen.

It is with great regret that we have been forced to reduce our DYSTOPIA European tour. We are NOT CANCELLING, we are REDUCING. Due to a combination of organizational problems, economic reality and general obstacles in these times we need to do this in order to be able to still push through. We planned 13 shows in 4 countries and as time progressed it became clear that we cannot go ahead like that. BUT we definitely did NOT want CANCEL this tour therefore we discussed everything intensively and came up with this solution. So we reduced the tour from 13 to 6 shows.

Ook gaat Annisokay niet meer mee met deze tour vanwege organisatorische problemen, Ghøstkid is hun vervanger.

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