Invent Animate Deelt “False Meridian” Video

Geschreven door Stefan
Invent Animate

De Amerikaanse progressive metalcore band Invent Animate heeft een video uitgebracht voor “False Meridian”, afkomstig van het album “Heavner” dat eerder dit jaar uitkwam. Eerder deze week verwelkomde de band ook Brody Taylor Smith als hun vaste drummer:

Today we’re happy to announce the official onboarding of Brody into the band as our drummer. To celebrate, we’ll be releasing a music video for False Meridian this Thursday at 10 am PDT. A link to the premier page can be found in our bio.

We have been playing live shows with Brody for just over a year now, and give a large bit of credit to him for the drive we currently share together as a band. With our final piece in place, Trey will remain a writing member and always be a thread woven into the Invent Animate sound.

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