Wolves At The Gate Deelt “Heathens” Video

Geschreven door Stefan
Band foto Wolves at the gates zwart wir

De Amerikaanse post-hardcore/metalcore band Wolves At The Gate heeft hun nieuwe coveralbum “Lost In Translation” uitgebracht via Solid State Records en voor deze gelegenheid ook een video online gezet voor hun cover van 21 Pilots‘ hit “Heathens”.

De band schrijft het volgende over de cover en de invloed van 21 Pilots:

Long before we ever got signed, we played a VFW show with Twenty One Pilots. We were just local Columbus, Ohio bands trying to get out there and make some fans. They definitely did not fit the rest of the bill, but they were undeniably unique.

Fast forward years later and their incredible gifts are being seen and appreciated globally. Something they do so well is expressing dark and somber moods in their music without sacrificing memorability and melody. ‘Heathens‘ has a really cool arrangement that allows the listener to experience the chorus in a few different ways throughout the song. The dynamics of the song left an open landscape for us to put our own fingerprint on it.

As well, the lyrics carried a very relatable sentiment that could be seen and interpreted on a few different levels. The way that we saw the lyrics was telling people to be careful about judging each other. To understand the uniformity that we are all the same. Appearances can be deceptive in how we perceive each other, but at the core, everyone has their own struggles, brokenness, and demons. It’s actually a pretty powerful call for empathy that we really connected with.

De volledige tracklist van het nieuwe album ziet er als volgt uit:

  1. Heathens” (Twenty One Pilots cover)
  2. Breaking The Habit” (Linkin Park cover)
  3. Sweetness” (Jimmy Eat World cover)
  4. Pardon Me” (Incubus cover)
  5. WHEN I WAS OLDER” (Billie Eilish cover)
  6. Stupid Deep” (Jon Bellion cover)
  7. The Pretender” (Foo Fighters cover)
  8. Apocalypse Please” (Muse cover)
  9. Diamond Eyes” (Deftones cover)
  10. Attack” (Thirty Seconds To Mars cover)
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