Acres Tekent Bij Solid State Records En Brengt “A Different Shade Of Misery” Uit

Geschreven door Stefan

De Britse post-hardcore/metalcore band Acres heeft een contract getekend bij Solid State Records en een video uitgebracht voor de track “A Different Shade Of Misery”. De video is geproduceerd door Landon Tewers, de oprichter en zanger van The Plot In You.

Zanger Ben Lumber zegt het volgende over de track:

Lyrically this song is about regaining control of yourself and confronting your demons. I wrote this when I was at a really low point and I’d often sit there thinking, ‘Man, you need to snap out of this.’ At one point, I felt like my own worst enemy and I was fighting a war inside my own head. It’s a really special song because, musically, it’s a new direction and the start of a new era for our band. We’ve always aimed to reinvent ourselves with every release and this was one of those songs that just naturally came to us.

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