Immortal Disfigurement Deelt Nieuw Statement

Geschreven door Stefan
Immortal Disfigurement

Immortal Disfigurement heeft een statement uitgebracht nadat vorige week producer Harry Tadayon aankondigde dat hij niet langer samenwerkt met de Amerikaanse symphonic deathcore band. Hij gaf aan dat hij geen enkele waardering kreeg voor zijn werk, niet werd betrokken bij bandbeslissingen die werden genomen voor nummers die hij heeft geschreven en dat hij als producer op een onprofessionele werd behandeld tijdens het albumproces en voor eerdere singles.

Het vertrek van Harry kwam vrijwel direct na het bericht dat de band hun debuutalbum had uitgesteld. De nu driekoppige band met gitarist Josh Freeman, bassist Shane Slade en frontman CJ McCreey zeggen in hun statement dat ze niet uit elkaar gaan en zich blijven inzetten voor de band. Het complete statement luidt als volgt:

Hey everyone, we would like to take this time to address what is currently taking place. Firstly, we (Josh, Shane and CJ) want to make it clear that we are not going anywhere. We are not disbanding. Just another bump in the road that us three were fully prepared for when starting this band. Not our first rodeo and it probably won’t be our last.

Unlike some circulating rumors, the vocals for the album have been ready for a while. As it was previously stated on our last post, the mixing and mastering was not quite ready yet for release. That being said, this led us to collectively deciding to postpone the album release while we worked on getting it to its final state. We appreciate your patience and are looking forward to sharing the finished version when it is done, which will be sooner rather than later.

Unfortunately, given that most of the band has been working on the album remotely, we all ended up in a position that resulted in several misunderstandings. Everyone that has been involved in this release has proven to be incredibly talented and passionate about the work being done, and their work is highly valued. For this reason, we want to assure you that all outstanding payments for finished masters had already been compensated and all future ones will be settled in due course.

We as a band will continue to move forward delivering our loving fans the music they deserve. Thank you to all of you who have given us your support and stuck it out with us. Immortal Disfigurement loves you, this is only a minor set back. We will see you all soon.

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