Becoming The Archetype Na 10 Jaar Terug Met Nieuwe Single

Geschreven door Stefan
Becoming The Archetype

De Amerikaanse metal band Becoming The Archetype heeft een nieuwe single uitgebracht in de vorm van “The Lost Colony”. Dit nummer is de eerste in 10 jaar waarop zanger/bassist Jason Wisdom, gitarist/zanger Seth Hecox en drummer Brent “Duck” Duckett samen te horen zijn. Een compleet album volgt op 26 augustus en krijgt de titel “Children Of The Great Extinction”.

The task of creating a new album after 10-plus years away from the band felt very daunting for me, to say the least. It’s not a matter of creating new music. I’ve written and released more than 50 songs in the past decade with other projects. The real difficult part was the idea of trying to recapture the true spirit of Becoming The Archetype.

Nostalgic fans have expectations that are impossible to meet. Those of us in the band have unique life stories that we bring to the table after all of this time apart — we have grown in different ways as people and creatively. So when we finally set out to accomplish this ‘comeback’ album, we all agreed that this needs to feel like what people remember when they think of BtA. Other than that, we just did like we always used to — we chased the sounds we like.
We hope that old fans will listen and feel like they’re visiting an old friend after many years. At the same time, we hope that new fans will discover something that is fresh and feels current.

Jason Wisdom – Becoming The Archetype (Zang/Bass)

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