Norma Jean Brengt Video Uit Voor Nieuwe Single “Sleep Explosion”

Geschreven door Stefan
Norma Jean

Nadat ze eerder al een video deelde voor “Spearmint Evolution” heeft de Amerikaanse metalcore band Norma Jean nu ook een video uitgebracht voor de track “Sleep Explosion”. Beide tracks zijn afkomstig van het aankomende, negende studioalbum “Deathrattle Sing For Me” dat op 12 augustus uitkomt via Solid State Records.

Destruction is a variant of completion. We were nearing the end of a tour in January 2022, after a series of house shows. It was a couple of months before we started writing ‘Deathrattle Sing For Me‘ when I first heard the demo for this song. Grayson texted it to me.

I looked at my phone and saw the mock title ‘Valentine’s Day Ass Beater.’ Immediately, I put on headphones and listened. Why hadn’t I heard this yet? It just got me so excited to start writing.

We were staying with a friend that night and I opted to sleep in the van so I could listen to this song over and over. I pretty much wrote all the vocals for it that night and not much of it changed.

I think sometimes we might think that we’ve spent so much time on something that we have to continue on the same path. Behind the music, I believe that changing your mind is freeing and we should be prepared and excited to do it anytime we want.

Changing my mind is one of my favorite super powers. 24 hours and a new beginning!

Cory Brandan – Norma Jean (Zang)
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