Of Virtue Brengt “True Colors” Video Uit

Geschreven door Stefan
Of Virtue

“True Colors” is de titel van de nieuwe single van de Amerikaanse modern metal/metalcore band Of Virtue, waarvan de video nu te bekijken is. Eerder bracht de band ook al een video uit voor “Sober” en “Cut Me Open”. Allen zijn afkomstig van hun aankomende album “Omen” dat op 29 september verschijnt via Arising Empire, waarvan de pre-orders hier verkrijgbaar zijn.

Gitarist Damon Tate zegt het volgende over de track:

The wise Maya Angelou said “when people show you who they are, believe them the first time. This is also true of drug addiction. This disease can wear many faces and often times, we choose to ignore the obvious red flags that are right in front of us. Because of our own struggles, insecurities or reasons for wanting to drown out the pain – we allow these things to have agency over our actions and our way of life, contributing to the vicious cycle that is so hard to break.  It can be easy to blame the vice or behaviors for the misery that is brought in our lives. True Colors is also indicative of another hard truth – What you consume, what/who you believe you are – can become your new reality and “true” self.”

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