Sentinels Brengt Nieuwe EP “In Limbo” Uit

Geschreven door Stefan

De Amerikaanse progressive metalcore band Sentinels heeft een nieuwe EP genaamd “In Limbo” uitgebracht met daarop drie tracks met nieuwe zanger Kenny Stroh die sinds 4 oktober bij de band zit.

While it may be a quick listen, these three tracks perfectly sum up where we have been as a band this past year. Feeling uncertain as to where we stood as a band in the scene of modern heavy music. Feeling as through we’re starting from the beginning again. But overall, believing in what we had enough to take that step again and dive in head first to this new chapter.

We want to thank our brothers Randy LeBoeuf & Aaron Chaparian for once again helping us make these songs the absolute best they can be.

We hope you all love it as much as we do. This for all of those who supported and believed in us all along. Thank you.

With love,


Alle drie de track zijn hieronder te beluisteren:

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