Bury Tomorrow Brengt “Wrath” Video Uit

Geschreven door Stefan
Bury Tomorrow

De Britse metalcore band Bury Tomorrow heeft een video uitgebracht voor “Wrath”, afkomstig van het meest recente album van de band, “The Seventh Sun”, dat in 2023 uitkwam.

De band zegt het volgende over de video:

We are excited to present our video for the song ‘Wrath’, from our latest album ‘The Seventh Sun’.

The video takes you on a journey with us across the last 2 and a half years of our lives, as we have moved into the chapter of our band we are most proud of, and taken it around the world.

The song itself is about losing someone close to you. Life is finite, and the connections we make are fragile so it’s important we use our time on earth wisely. Please look after yourself, and others ❤️

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