Lacuna Coil Deelt Nieuwe Single “Never Dawn”

Geschreven door Stefan
Lacuna Coil

De Italiaanse gothic metal band Lacuna Coil heeft een stream uitgebracht voor de nieuwe single “Never Dawn”, die te vinden zal zijn op de soundtrack van het aankomende Zombicide: White Death bordspel van uitgever CMON. Zangerer Cristina Scabbia zegt het volgende over deze nieuwe release:

First presented, in its instrumental version, in the trailer for Zombicide White Death game, and then in its live version, during our last sold out show in LA, we’re so incredibly thrilled to finally unveil the full version of NEVER DAWN! This song is a fierce survival journey throughout grotesque and frozen lands, where the power within is the main weapon. Ignite the fire in your heart and enjoy the listening!

Having established themselves as a force to be reckoned with over their illustrious career, Lacuna Coil continues to push boundaries and evolve their sound while staying true to their roots. “Never Dawn” is a testament to the band’s unwavering commitment to artistic growth and their unrelenting dedication to their loyal fanbase.

Het nieuwe bordspel bevat 5 Lacuna Coil Limited Edition Survivors en de Kickstarter is hier te vinden.

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